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Wrongful Death


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Wrongful Death

When a loved one is taken from you, the toll of grief can be worsened by heavy financial burdens. In certain situations, the survivors of the deceased can seek compensation and restitution for their losses. 

Wrongful death occurs when someone passes due to the negligence of another or another party. They can be caused from a variety of circumstances, including traffic accidents, medical malpractice, and more. Due to the complexity of some cases and the involvement of multiple parties, you need experienced and knowledgeable attorneys to navigate and lead your case.

We know the emotional toll and financial stress that comes from someone passing suddenly and under negligence. Sedaghat Law Group has LA’s premier wrongful death attorneys whose top priority is our clients’ well-being.

Document with title Wrongful Death o a wooden surface.

Who Is Eligible for Compensation in a
Wrongful Death Lawsuit in California?

Survivors of the victim may file a wrongful death lawsuit in California. California Code of Procedure 377.60 states that those closed to the recently deceased have the most entitlement in a wrongful death case.

The parties typically entitled to a lawsuit are:

  • Immediate family members, including children, parents, and siblings.
  • Grandparents.
  • A life partner and/or putative spouse.
  • Any persons that were financially dependent on the deceased, such as a putative spouse and their children. 

Financial strain can happen or increase after a loved one passes. With proof of financial ties to the deceased, a person or group of people can make a case for compensation. If you feel you have grounds for a wrongful death case, please contact us. Your well-being, along with the people you love, is our law firm’s concern. Sedaghat Law Group can lead you on the path to proper compensation.

Types of Wrongful Death
Damages You Can Pursue

The financial stress and burdens sustained from someone’s passing can escalate rapidly. In obtaining justice for your wrongful death lawsuit, you can seek compensation for the following damages.

  • Medical Bills: If your loved one incurred any medical bills directly from someone’s negligence before passing, you may be entitled to compensation in this regard.
  • Funeral Costs: You should not have to pay the unfortunate costs of losing someone you love at the fault of someone else. Our law firm can seek payment for funeral bills in your wrongful death case.
  • Future Earnings: If you can prove financial dependence on the deceased, you may be able to recover any future losses.
  • Any Benefits: If your loved one who has passed had medical benefits, a pension, or other kinds of benefits, you may be able to recover this in your case.

Additionally, you may also seek non-economic damages, such as emotional and mental suffering, loss of care or love, or loss of relationship for which you could seek financial compensation. There are also punitive damages, which are set to punish the negligent conduct of the offender with an overwhelming verdict on extreme grounds of negligence.

You need lawyers with a proven track record in winning wrongful death lawsuits. Sedaghat Law Group can get you the right kind of restitution and balance your case effectively and delicately.

Sedaghat Law Group Is Here For You

Losing someone is difficult and the process of grief can only be compounded with financial strain in that person’s wake. If the deceased passed in the hands of negligence, you may be in the right for compensation as a survivor.

Get financial compensation with experienced wrongful death lawyers in Los Angeles. Our law firm knows the ins and outs of this case, and have helped many people move on and forward. Sedaghat Law Group is ready to support you and your family.

We offer free consultations—even if you aren’t sure if your case qualifies—and our lawyers are available 24/7. Get the right kind of support during these difficult times.

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