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Workplace Sexual Harassment


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Workplace Sexual Harassment

Though they can come in the forms of quips and jokes, there’s nothing funny about sexual harassment. Workplace sexual harassment is illegal, but it can be hard to stand up to your offender or group of harassers.

Sexual harassment in the workplace can come in a few forms and various scenarios, all of them offensive and wrong. You may be entitled to compensation for damages from your case.

Sedaghat Law Group wants to be the firm you can turn to, in both strength and confidentiality. We are the best sexual harassment lawyers in Los Angeles. We know your situation and we have the proven track record to bring your case to justice and compensation.

Sexual molestation at workplace. Perverted black guy taking photo of his female coworker without her consent at company office, blank space. Gender discrimination and career concept
Lady boss sexually molesting her attractive male subordinate, putting hands on his shoulders at company office. Young businesswoman harassing her handsome coworker at workplace
Closeup view of black lady boss sexually molesting her male subordinate, touching his leg under table in office. Panorama

What Constitutes Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment does not have to involve force into sexual acts or sex itself. It includes a variety of inappropriate conduct and behaviors, such as teasing, intimidation, and offensive and unwanted comments. It can also include bullying on the basis of sex, gender, or sexual orientation, not to mention much more.

In evaluating your case, our legal experts will look at your case for the following behaviors and incidents:

  • Unwanted sexual invitations or advances.
  • Lewd remarks, unwanted and inappropriate comments on appearance, sexual comments, harassing statements, unwanted sexual jokes, and/or derogatory comments on the basis of sex, gender, sexual orientation, or pregnancy/childbirth.
  • Sexual gestures, sexually provocative pictures/items/objects, indecent staring, and other unwanted visual behaviors.
  • Inappropriate touching, groping, rubbing, or preventing an employee’s ability to move.
  • Blackmailing sexual favors or sexual requests for employment/career advancements, additional benefits, or continued employment.
  • Threats after declines to sexual advances or sexual favors.

Sexual harassment laws are gender neutral and can apply to anyone in these situations; the victim and target of sexual harassment does not have to be of the opposite sex. Additionally, those who witness sexual harassment are protected under California law if they support the target of sexual harassment.

If you have found yourself or a coworker in any of these situations, please reach out to us. You can do so in confidentiality. We are available 24/7 and can evaluate your case outside of your working hours while you are away from the office.

Legal Categories of
Sexual Harassment

While there are many forms sexual harassment in the workplace can take, there are two kinds of sexual harassment legally in California. All of the above forms fall under one of these two legal categories.

Quid pro quo: When an employment decision—stated explicitly or implicitly—depends on an employee’s submission to a sexual request, advance, favor, etc. “Quid pro quo” means “this for that” in Latin, and in this legal instance refers to sexual submission for something in regards to your employment. This could be a promotion, career opportunities, other workplace benefits, or the threat of continued employment. If you feel you are subjected to this illegal “barter” or “deal,” this is a form of sexual harassment and it is illegal. As the top firm in Los Angeles, our attorneys have seen this too many times and can help you obtain justice. 

Hostile work environment: When unwelcome advances, solicitations, or requests for sexual favors create an unworkable atmosphere at the office, it can feel abusive and intimidating so much so that an employees work life is impacted negatively and they cannot perform their job effectively. The harasser could be a boss, peer, or a group that has turned the work environment so vitriolic. Sedaghat Law Group knows the burden of sexual harassment and can help you navigate your case so that it doesn’t become the center of your work life.

Statute of Limitations of Sexual Harassment in California

Depending on who you file your sexual harassment claim with, you have either six months or a year from the last incident to pursue justice in California. Don’t wait any longer, reach out to us. Our law firm is available 24/7 and offers free consultations to help and support you in your sexual harassment lawsuit.

Our proven track record makes Sedaghat Law Group formidable against the most intimidating offenders. We’ve helped many victims of sexual harassment obtain justice and compensation, and we can do the same for you.

There’s no fee until you win, and our lawyers are your allies in your pursuit of justice.

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