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Gender Discrimination


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Gender Discrimination

While the #metoo movement and others have highlighted gender discrimination—particularly against women—in various industries, it is still rampant in our workplaces. From passing comments to not receiving promotions to even wrongful termination, gender discrimination takes on both subtle and overt forms.

 While it frequently happens to women, Sedaghat Law Group recognizes that it can happen to other people of different genders. If you’re a man or identify as nonbinary, you also can be subject to gender discrimination in various ways.

 Sedaghat Law Group, as LA’s best gender discrimination lawyers, knows the nuances of your case and has the contemporary touch to take you on to pursue justice. Our experienced staff lawyers know that gender discrimination is a sensitive subject for some, and we are lawyers you can trust with confidentiality.

Ultimately, we want to be your allies in the workplace, help you get proper compensation, and help you move forward.

Businessman boss in suit scolding and pointing to woman office worker about bad work of her while she is sitting to stress and bow down in the office

What Constitutes Gender
Discrimination In The Workplace?

Gender discrimination is not just sexual harassment [link]. It is any behavior or conduct where an employer or peer uses your gender against you in a negative way. While it normally happens to women in the office, it can happen to anyone of any gender at any moment.

There are various ways someone can be discriminated against on the basis of gender. The more frequent ways include:

  • Not receiving promotions, career opportunities, or other workplace benefits due to gender.
  • Being excluded from meetings, conversations, or workplace activities/opportunities due to gender.
  • Being offered inferior pay, benefits, or job tasks/assignments due to gender.
  • Having hours cut or even being demoted due to gender.
  • Being subjected to business policies and practices that discriminate on gender.
  • Being fired, laid off, let go, or even forced to quit due to gender.
  • Not being hired due to gender.

Commonly, gender discrimination occurs when a man or group of men—superior in office rank or not—target a woman or group of women and use unwelcome conduct. If you have experienced any of this unwarranted and offensive conduct, contact us for a free consultation so we can evaluate your case.

Conduct And Behaviors of
Gender Discrimination

Your coworkers and superiors can be discriminatory in many, many ways. It may seem like a game to them or some kind of internal bid for power in the workplace, but it is illegal and unacceptable. As the top gender discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles, we’ve seen a lot of conduct that could be classified as discrimination, and collecting this evidence could be paramount in persuading a court to rule in a judgment in your favor.

  • Unwelcome remarks, derogatory comments on appearance in regards to your gender, harassing statements, jokes about your gender, and/or comments relating to your gender.
  • A pattern of hiring exclusively one gender; not hiring someone on the basis of gender.
  • Workers being excluded from meetings, training sessions, and other growth opportunities within the company on the basis of gender.
  • Other employees enjoying and receiving promotions, career opportunities, better work conditions, higher pay raises, other workplace benefits, and other preferential treatment.
  • Evidence of a loss of duties, hours, pay, and any other tasks/assignments.
  • Evidence of policies or practices that affect employees of different genders disparately.

If you are experiencing unwanted sexual advances, lewd remarks, unwanted sexual jokes, sexual gestures, receiving sexually inappropriate pictures, leering glares, groping, rubbing, being asked to submit to sexual requests for career advancement or continuted employment, or being threatened after declining sexual requests, there’s a good chance you are experiencing Sexual Harassment [link], a form of gender discrimination that is very serious. 

Our firm understands your situation and wants to help. If you think your situation applies or are not sure, we’ll evaluate it for free.

Sedaghat Law Is Your Ally In The Office

Gender discrimination is never okay. We know the toll it can take on your mental health, and our top priority is our clients’ well-being. Our law firm is here to stand up to gender discrimination in the workplace. We’re available 24/7 and ready for your call or email.

We are lawyers that you can trust with sensitive issues, and we offer free consultations. Think of it as a conversation to take a look at your case. Our attorneys are ready to help you seek justice and move forward.

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