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Retaliatory Discharge


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Retaliatory Discharge

When an employer fires an employee in a way that seems vengeful, it can create mental and financial stress. If you have been fired, let go, laid off, or even forced to quit in an act of retaliation, you may be entitled to compensation and restitutions.

“At-will” employment does not require notice on the part of your employer, and your higher-ups can terminate your employment at any time within their legal rights. However, there are frequent abuses to this right, which could lead to a wrongful termination and a retaliatory discharge, which is illegal.

Our attorneys at Sedaghat Law Group are the best retaliatory discharge lawyers in Los Angeles. We are confident that we can take your case to court and earn a judgment in your favor. We understand the career stress and subsequent financial stress you are enduring, and our legal team wants to help you get back on your feet.

Businesswoman leaving office with box of personal items

What Is Retaliatory Discharge?

Retaliatory discharge is a form of wrongful termination. It is a particularly vitriolic form of termination based on some sort of malice on the part of the superior or employer. While “at-will” employment laws protect employers when they have to terminate the employment of their workers for various reasons, it does not cover discrimination or retaliation.

If your higher-up, boss, employer, or superior have fired you out of an act of punishment, it is illegal retaliation. We know this form of wrongful termination not only induces financial and mental stresses for you and your family, but can also be injurious to your career and future employment opportunities. Our law firm is well-versed in wrongful termination, especially retaliatory discharge. With our proven track record, we’ll help you pursue damages and the entailed compensations.

Our firm proudly offers free consultations to evaluate your situation to see if there are grounds for a lawsuit. Reach out to us via email or a phone call to get on the path to justice.

Reasons For Retaliatory Discharge

Your boss may have their own issues or personal problems, but that is no excuse in firing someone in retaliatory fashion. Regardless, it is unethical and illegal. Some of the reasons our previous clients have been fired wrongfully are: 

  • Whistle-blowing: reporting unethical behavior and conduct to human resources (HR) or outside agencies. Whether you are the victim or a witness who let others know, California has laws that protect whistle-blowers from this kind of retaliatory discharge.
  • Sexual harassment: whether it’s reporting it or declining the advances of someone in your office, some victims of sexual harassment face subsequent threats that can lead to retaliatory discharge.
  • Discrimination: if your higher-up is discriminating against you actively or passively, it could lead to wrongful termination and retaliatory discharge. This could be on the basis of age discrimination, gender discrimination, racial discrimination, or any kind of workplace discrimination.
  • Use of benefits: employers may not fire employees for using time off from work due to family emergencies, medical emergencies, maternity/paternity leave, and jury duty.
  • Filing complaints: large or small complaints can anger managers and supervisors. Whether it’s one or several, filing a complaint can lead to a retaliation action on the part of your higher-ups. 

If you’ve been fired for any of these reasons, contact us for a free consultation. We’ll look at your situation and see if your case has grounds for a lawsuit.

Kinds of Compensation From
Retaliatory Discharge

Employees tend to not report unethical and illegal working conditions for fear of further retaliation. However, the state protects your rights. You may be due for compensation on the following grounds from your employer. 

  • Pay: Any lost wages, salary days, commissions, and bonuses can be recovered in the legal process.
  • Benefits: If you were billed any expenses within benefits of your employment, these costs can be recovered.
  • Reinstatement: Some plaintiffs fight for reinstatement after a retaliatory discharge, and you can be reinstated.
  • Career Injuries: Retaliatory discharge affects future career opportunities with an ugly mark on a resume. Compensation for these damages can be gained in a wrongful termination lawsuit.
  • Mental Distress: If you’ve experienced a high amount of emotional and psychological distress from your retaliatory discharge, you can seek compensation for these damages.

Sedaghat Law Group Is Here For You

You need lawyers who can stand up to vicious employers. Sedaghat Law Group is in your corner and will fight tenaciously for your rights and restitutions. We’re the lawyers you can trust, and we want to bring you and your career to its feet.

Contact our office for more information and a free consultation. We’re available 24/7 and ready to hear from you.

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